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Interior Designers Reveal The 10 Decorating Rules You Should Never Break

The way you decorate your home is entirely up to you — but there are a few guidelines and design suggestions you may want to keep in mind as you’re decorating.

A high-quality rug isn’t cheap — and the bigger you go, the more expensive they become. Because of this, you may be tempted to go for a smaller, more affordable option, even if that means sacrificing design.

If that’s the case, the best thing you can do is forgo a rug altogether, White said.

“A rug that is too small takes away from the space, although you would hope it adds visual value,” she told Insider. “I would recommend not adding a rug if it’s not scaled properly to space.”

But if you insist on getting a small rug, it should at least be able to sit under the front legs of your furniture pieces, White said.

It may seem like a no-brainer, but taking the time to measure your space is a crucial first step to a successful design, White said.

“The easiest way to do this is to get the dimensions of the furniture you’re interested in, grab some blue painter’s tape, and create the shape of the furniture with the painter’s tape and dimensions,” she told Insider. “This will give you a visual guide to ensure your furniture will be functional in your space.”